Mini Ribbon Rose Bouquet
The absolute cutest mini bouquet ever! Only 7-9 inches across in diameter and 10-12 inches high, these are the perfect gift for your little princess
🌈 Customizable Ribbon Roses: Create your own floral masterpiece! Choose from a spectrum of rose colors and topper options to craft the perfect arrangement that suits your style and occasion.
🌺 Eternal Beauty, Forever Yours: Our ribbon roses are hand crafted to last a lifetime, preserving the beauty of nature without ever wilting. The perfect gift that symbolizes enduring love and timeless elegance.
💐 Pricing Options:
- 6-9 Roses: $50 (includes topper)
Add Ons: Customized Themed Topper + included, Customized RIbbon + $5, Butterflies + $3, Diamond Pins +$3
💖 Why Choose Princess Peyton?
- Handcrafted with precision and care.
- Variety of rose colors and topper options.
- Lasting beauty that never fades.
🕰️ **Please Allow up to 1-2 Weeks for Production:**
Transform your space or surprise a loved one with a touch of everlasting grace. Shop now and let the magic of our Ribbon Roses unfold in every petal. 🛍️✨
DM to ORDER: @piecesbypeyton or @alizayyy on Instagram
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